Students and Volunteers

Millwood Primary Special School 

Student Handbook


Student and volunteer coordinator - Jill Tierney, Assistant head 


The Ethos of Millwood Primary Special School

We aim to foster every pupil’s academic, social, physical and emotional development to its full potential, by recognising the importance of:

  •  A happy and secure working and social environment.
  • The need to meet every child’s individual needs.
  • The right to access a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum for every child.
  • Positive and caring relationships between all members of the school community.
  • An active partnership with parents and carers.


A bit about us:

Millwood School is Bury’s only Primary Special School. It caters for children with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) and severe learning difficulties (SLD). We also have specialist classes for children on the autistic spectrum. (ASD)

Children can be accepted from the age of two years onwards, up to the age of eleven. At eleven, most children transfer to Elms Bank Specialist College, which is a high school for children with learning difficulties. 


Organisation of classes

There are 18 classes in the school. 



The school management team consists of the Head teacher Joanne Hurst, Deputy head (Caroline Henley) and Assistant heads (Katy Neild, Jill Tierney and Beckie Savage).  

The student and volunteer coordinator at Millwood is Jill Tierney.


Support Services

The school has an ‘on-site’ nurse. We also have Speech Therapists and Physiotherapists who work with the children, developing skills that have been highlighted on their EHCP. 


Guidelines for students.

This is our school statement of intent.

“To encourage each child to develop to their full potential, within a caring, stimulating and creative environment.”


The School Day

  • Please arrive at school by 8.45, sign in at reception and report to your class.
  • 8.50 – 10.45 Session one. As a new student, your main role will be getting to know the children. Talk to them and listen to them. Be ready to help them if required, but also be prepared to encourage them to be independent and learn by doing things for themselves.
  • 10.45 – 11.00 Break time. Support the children during their playtime. Staff and volunteers do not have a break during this time.
  • 11.00 – 11.50 Session two. As in session one. As you become more familiar with the classroom routine and the pupils you may be asked to plan an activity. When planning an activity, be well prepared and make sure it is appropriate for the children’s ability. (Remember you only need to ask if you need help.)
  • 11.50 – 12.30 Lunchtime. During this time you will be expected to either assist the children in the dining room, or you may be asked to do some preparation work in the classroom. 
  • Between 12pm and 1.30pm you will receive a 30 minute lunchbreak
  • 1.00 – 3.00 Afternoon session. As outlined above in session one and two. If there is nothing specific for you to do, offer your help, or check if drinks need to be made, pencils or crayons need sharpening, toys for tidying, etc. After being in school for a short time you will have picked up the routine and will able to help using your own initiative. 
  • 3.00 – 3.30 During this time you may be asked to escort children to their buses, or complete preparation work in the classroom.


Dress code  Please ensure you dress in an appropriate manner for working in a special school with young children. Mobile phones must be switched off and stored securely during all teaching time.

Health and Safety Sign in and out every time you enter and leave the building. Please familiarise yourself with the fire exits in your area. In the event of a fire follow instructions that staff give you. 


Absences  If you are unable to come into school for any reason, phone school before 8.30 on 0161 724 2266 to let us know when and why you will be away.


Assignments If you have any work to complete whilst you are on placement, let your teacher know on your first day, so we can help you. When your work is complete, please show it to your teacher. If you need an assessment form completing for your tutor, please make sure this is also given to your teacher on your first day. 
Confidentiality  You are privileged to be able to work with the children at Millwood Special Primary School. Remember that everything you learn about the children and their families is confidential. If you are related to any child in the school, or are a family friend, please inform us on arrival as this could affect where you are placed.
Student Support  If you have any problems, please let us know. Talk to the staff you are working with or to Jill Tierney (Student/Volunteer Coordinator)

Care and Safety


Mobility Some children require wheelchairs for transportation around school, others have special chairs or standing frames that can be moved. Other children may need to be moved in a buggy. Please ensure that you do not under any circumstances attempt to manoeuvre a wheelchair or a buggy, unless you have consulted a member of staff.


Child Protection  The school child protection officer is Caroline Henley, the Deputy head. If you have any concerns about a child, please report them to Caroline Henley (designated safeguarding leading). 

If in doubt, ask a member of staff.

 If you would like to apply for volunteer work or work experience at Millwood School, please email to request an application form. Thank you.